Misc. Armor

Armor restrictions are not assumed. If the armor has no restriction, then that means anyone can use it. Examples of common restrictions:
Can only be used by Heavy Fighters.
Cannot be used by Non-proficiency characters.
Bardes(Horse Armor)
Faerie Chamfron
This headgear was created for the Faerie Steed, and it glows with a dull pink light. When worn by the Unicorn, it allows the character to roll 1 extra combat die in defense, as well as giving the Unicorn a focus, which enhances his/her magical abilities. A Unicorn wearing the Chamfron may up their manna by 12 points.
Shoes of the NightMare
These shoes give the Unicorn 1 extra combat die in defense. They also allow the Unicorn to become intangible once per game for 1D6 turns. While intangible, you may not attack or be attacked, and you may ignor all walls, doors, traps, monsters, etc. that stand in your path. If the Unicorn becomes tangible in rock, you are trapped forever. The shoes will also up the Unicorn's Manna by 12 points.
Crinet of Charlemange
This protective piece of neck armor gives the Unicorn 1 extra Combat Die in defense. Additionally, this crinet bears the royal seal of Charlemange, and will endow the Unicorn with great strength, upping its Attack Die by one and upping it's "Feat of Strength" by one.
Rimbal's Armbands
These armbands were created by a gypsy magician more interested in music and ale than the true pursuit of magic. He created the armbands as a last ditch defense from brigands and thieves. These armbands will give you one extra combat die in defense, and when clapped together, allows you to cast
lightening once per game.
Spidersilk Gloves
These lightweight gloves are incredibly durable. The gloves allow the wearer to roll two additional Combat Die in defense.
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength
These large iron gauntlets may only be used by a Heavy Fighter and allow the wearer to roll 3 extra Combat Die in defense. In addition, once per game you may cast the spell Ogre Strength on yourself.
Dragonscale Belt
This heavy, colorful belt is made of the scales of several varieties of dragon. It allows the wearer to roll one extra Combat Die in defense. The belt is also infused with dragon magic and gives the wearer one additional Body Point for as long as it is worn.
May only be worn by Light Fighters and Heavy Fighters.
Moonsilk Belt
This lightweight sash seems to shimmer in the light. This belt allows the wearer to roll one extra Combat Die in defense. This belt is also infused with Faerie Magic and gives the wearer one additional Mind Point for as long as it is worn.
May only be worn by Spellcasters.
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