written by Jonathan Long


This page is not 100% my own work. Many people have inspired me and encouraged me as I have slowly built this page. Specifically, I owe a HUGE thank you to Mr. J.D. Fraser, as this page was originally inspired by his "HeroQuest II" supplement. You will see many of the same Heroes, Spells and other things that were lifted directly from this work. I am not trying to take credit for his work, or trying to take away from his work. Another player I want to give credit to calls himself "Karnov". There is a good bit of his stuff on this page as well. Everything done by J.D., Karnov, or any other creator I drew inspiration from--changed or unchanged--I have tried my BEST to mark with footnotes. I always try to give credit where credit is due, and I hope I haven't missed anything. If you do discover something I have missed, please mail me!

And by the way, J.D, if you're seeing this, I would love it if you would email me. I'd love to talk to you about it! ;)

Similarly to J.D., I am offering this expansion to the public free of charge in an effort to add variety to Milton Bradley's---now Hasbro's--HeroQuest game. I am not responsible for anything that may occur should you decide to use these rules, and I will not be held liable for anything related to these rules, HeroQuest, Milton Bradley, or Hasbro. Your use of these rules is an explicit agreement on your part to this disclaimer. If you don't like this disclaimer, don't use or read these rules. Additionally, at the time of this posting, I am not associated in any way with Milton Bradley or Hasbro.

