Elemental Spells

Elemental Spells
Mages and Petty Elementalists: There are two different types of elemental spellcasters, Mages and Petty Elementalists. A Mage specializes in one element, and the Petty Elementalist can cast spells of any element.
A Mage's specialization allows them certain privileges within their element. For example, the Fire Mage casts fire spells at 3/4 the cost of manna, and learns the spell at 3/4 the price in gold. In addition, some changes take place in the spellcaster, as the Mage starts to reflect the element that they study. They take reduced damage from spells of their element, and do additional damage to elementals of their inferior. However, they take additional damage from spells and elementals of their superior. All elements have an inferior and a superior. The inferior is the element that is overpowered, and the superior is the element that can overpower them. The superiors and inferiors are as follows:
Primary | Superior | Inferior |
Fire | Water | Earth |
Water | Air | Fire |
Air | Earth | Water |
Earth | Fire | Air |
ie. Fire's superior is Water, so a Fire Mage takes additional damage from an icicle spell, but Fire's inferior is Earth, so a Fire Mage would do additional damage to an Earth Elemental. In practice, the Mage becomes an Elemental Subtype, and are affected as the Elemental Monsters (See below).
The Petty Elementalist is what the Wizard usually is, ie a spellcaster that can cast spells from all four elements. A Petty Elementalist has no strengths and no weaknesses as far as the different elements of magic are concerned. A Mage is usually half spellcasting and half fighting, similar to an Elf, however their is no rule that says a Wizard Cannot be a Mage.
In addition, a Mage can at any time become a Petty Elementalist, however, a Petty Elementalist can never become a Mage.
Elemental Monsters
Elemental Magic works strangely against Elemental Monsters. Sometimes it does more damage. Sometimes it does less. To see more information see the Elemental Resistances Page for more information.
Spell Colleges: The spellcasters have devoted at least part of their lives to the magical arts. At the beginning of the game, it is assumed that they have a certain number of spells already learned that they don't have to pay for. I recommend the D.M. give each magic user a certain amount of credit to spend on spells. For Elves and Mages, I recommend 150 gc (Gold Coins), and for Wizards and Seers I recommend 450 gc. They may then cast any spell in their repertoire as many times as their manna will allow them to. Spell costs are indicated beside the manna rating of each spell.
4 Manna Points: 50gc
Ball of Flame by: MB
This spell can be cast on any character, enveloping it in a ball of flame. It will inflict 2 Body Points of damage. The victim then rolls 2D6, and for each 5 or 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point.
Courage by: MB
This spell can be cast on any hero, including yourself. The next time that hero attacks, he may roll two extra combat dice. The spell is broken when that hero can no longer "see" a monster.
Fire of Wrath by: MB
This spell can be cast on any monster or character, blasting it with flames. It will inflict 1 body point of damage, unless the target can roll a 5 or 6 using 1d6.
This spell will temporarily engulf one character's weapon in flames, giving the character possessing the weapon 2 extra combat die when attacking. The spell will last for 2 turns, and may not be cast on any wooden weapon (staff, crossbow, etc.).
8 Manna Points: 100gc
Burning Hands
This spell infuses the caster's hands with a powerful burning energy. If the caster's next attack is successful (and at least 1 Body Point is removed), this energy does 1D6 additional Body Points of damage.
Extended Fireball
This spell sends a powerful ball of flame into any two adjacent squares the caster can "see". Any character on these squares suffers 2 Body Points of damage, undefendable.
Fire Shield
This spell may be cast on any character, including yourself. It forms a protective barrier of fire around that character. Any other character who steps within a
radius of one space will suffer 1 Body Point of damage. Shield lasts for 2 turns.
Fire Stream*(2)
A stream of liquid fire erupts from the caster's fingertips. This spell may be cast on any one target the caster can "see". Damage is affected by distance:
1 Space adj = 4 Body Points
2 Spaces adj, (or) 1 Space Diag. = 3 Body Points
3 Spaces adj, (or) 2 Spaces Diag. = 2 Body Points
4 Spaces adj, (or) 3 Spaces Diag. = 1 Body Points
5+ Spaces adj, (or) 4+ Spaces Diag. = No Damage
12 Manna Points: 200gc
Crown of Fire*(1)
Any and all characters within a two space radius of the caster suffer a blast of flame. The caster then rolls three combat die, and each skull that appears inflicts one body point of damage on all characters. Caster is unaffected.
The caster envelops him/herself in a ball of flame. Any characters adjacent to the caster immediately suffer 3 Body Points of damage, and the caster is reduced to 1 Body Point. The caster must have at least 2 Body Points to cast this spell.
16 Manna Points: 400gc
Battle Fire
This spell gives "courage" to all Heroes in the Spell Caster's line of sight. The next time they attack, they may roll 2 extra combat die. The spell is broken when each hero,
individually, can no longer "see" a monster.
20 Manna Points: 800gc
Wings of Flame
This spell summons up 4+1D4 blue flaming birds. These birds can be used to attack any target the caster can "see". The birds may all attack the same target, or may attack different ones. Each bird does 4 Body Points of damage. Characters defend by rolling 3D6. For each 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point.
4 Manna Points: 50gc
Heal Body by: MB
This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. Its magical power will restore up to 4 lost body points, but will not give a hero more than his starting number.
Pass Through Rock by: MB
This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself That hero may then walk through walls on his next move. he may move through as many walls as as his dice roll allows. The shaded areas on the quest map indicate solid rock. If a hero ends his move in one of these areas, he is trapped forever.
Rock Skin by: MB
This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. That hero may throw one extra combat die when defending. The spell is broken when the hero suffers 1 body point of damage.
8 Manna Points: 100gc
The caster selects 1-6 connected squares that they can "see" (roll 1D6 to determine); the roof over these squares collapses, and any character underneath the collapsing rocks suffers the same damage as a "Falling Block Trap"*--2 Body Points of Damage.
These squares are marked with "Falling Block Trap"* tiles and treated as such.
*See "Falling Block Traps" in "Milton Bradley" "Player's Handbook".
Earth Fist
By drawing on the primal powers of Earth, the caster causes his or her fist to turn into extremely dense rock for one turn. When attacking with an Earth Fist, the character rolls 9 combat die. Treat as a blunt weapon.
This spell will open up a quicksand pit beneath any character in the spell caster's line of sight. The character then rolls one combat die for each of his body points. If he rolls a black shield, he is allowed to move one space adjacent. If there are no adjacent spaces available, or if he fails to roll a black shield, he is trapped, and cannot move, attack, or defend. Additionally, the quicksand takes off one Body Point per round.
Rock Shards
This spell conjures up razor sharp shards of rock, which may be magically hurled at any one character the caster can "see". They will inflict 3 Body Points of damage. The victim then rolls 2D6. For each 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point.
The caster causes the walls of the dungeon to tremble, creating confusion and chaos. All characters, with the exception of the caster, miss one turn while they reorient themselves. Characters defend by rolling one combat die for each mind point. By rolling 2 black shields, the character defends.
12 Manna Points: 200gc
Earth Rise
This spell infuses one pebble with a massive amount of Earth Magic. This pebble can then be thrown at any one character you can "see". In mid-flight, this pebble will transform into a boulder without changing velocity. This boulder will do 2D6 Body Points of damage to whomever is struck. Characters with at least one open adjacent space may defend by rolling 1D6 per present Body Points. By rolling at least two 6's, the character dodges and gets to move one space adjacent. The boulder continues forward until is strikes a wall or closed door, or another character, who may then attempt to dodge.
Earth Sink
This spell is the opposite of Earth Rise, and can be used to rob one pile of rocks (Falling Block Trap) of its vital essence. This pile will then shrink in size until it is no more than a pile of pebbles.
This spell will open up a pit underneath one character the caster can see. The character then rolls 1D12 for each of his body points. If he rolls a 10 or higher, he is allowed to move one space adjacent. If there are no adjacent spaces available, or if he fails to roll at least 10, he is trapped, and cannot move, attack, or defend. If the character has not succeeded in getting out by the second attempt, the pit closes on top of them, trapping them forever.
16 Manna Points: 400gc
This spell causes 1D6 connected squares the caster can "see" to burst forth with razor sharp crystals. Characters standing on these squares must roll 1D6 per present Body Points. If they roll at least one pair of 6's, they are allowed to move to one open adjacent space. If they fail to roll a pair of 6's, or if there is no open space adjacent to them, they victim suffers 3D4 Body Points of damage, undefendable. A character trapped on one of these squares takes 2D4 Body Points of damage every turn until they escape or die. Treat sharded squares the same as "Falling Block Traps".
Hammer of Cha-Grinda
This spell summons forth a battle hammer in the likeness of the one used by the ancient Earth Spirit, Cha-Grinda. This hammer lasts for 1D8 turns, and when using this hammer, you roll 8 combat die to attack. This hammer may only be used by the caster, and may only attack adjacent characters. After 1D8 turns, or if the caster ever loses contact with the hammer, it shatters into dust. Note: This hammer automatically clears Falling Block Traps, and does Double Damage to Fire, Wind, and Water Elementals. If hammer is ever used to attack an Earth Elemental, it shatters.
When invoking this spell, the spellcaster draws on the powers of the stone beneath them, then slams their fist into the ground. This shock creates a mole-tunnel effect for up to 2D6 spaces (the caster can choose less, but not more) straight in any direction the caster chooses. Any characters standing on one of these squares rolls one combat die. On any roll except a black shield, the character is thrown to the closest available space and loses one Body Point and thier next turn. Any non-magical doors in its path are also blown open, and any non-magical walls in its path are blasted through (treat as a secret door). Note: This spell passes right under or through magical doors and walls and any other obstruction until it reaches its maximum length.
4 Manna Points: 50gc
ElectroStatic Charge
This spell will temporarily electrify one character's weapon, giving them 2 extra attack die. The spell will last for two turns, and must be cast on a metal weapon.
Genie by: MB
This spell conjures up a genie who will do one of the following, open up any door on the board (revealing what lies beyond) OR use 5 combat dice to attack any monster within your line of sight.
Poison Spray
This spell causes a burst of poisonous gas to come shooting out of the player's hand. The gas will envelope one monster the caster can "see", and will do two Body Points of damage. Creatures defend by rolling 2d6, and for each 5 or 6 rolled the damage is reduced by one Body Point. Undead are Immune to Poison Gas.
Swift Wind by: MB
This spell may be cast on one Hero, including yourself. Its powerful burst of energy enables that hero to roll twice as many red dice as normal the next time he moves.
Tempest by: MB
This creates a small whirlwind that envelops one monster of your choice. That monster will then miss its next turn.
8 Manna Points: 100gc
This spell will create a cloud of poisonous gas that will envelope one room (or a radius of 3 spaces outdoors). All characters in that room will suffer 2 Body Points of damage, unless they can immediately roll a 1 on 1D6, one per Mind Point. Undead are immune to Poison Gas.
This spell may be cast on any character, including yourself. It lifts the character into the air, thus avoiding any traps, sprung or unsprung. It also enables the character to roll up the 3 extra movement die on their next turn. At the end of their turn, they character settles to the dungeon floor, and is subject to any traps on the space they stop on.
The caster summons a torrential fall of rain on four connected squares he can "see". Any characters caught under the rain roll 1D6. On a roll of 1-3, lose one turn; 4-5, lose 2 turns; 6, lose three turns.
Winds of Speed
This spell may be cast on any Hero you can "see", including yourself. This spell will cause the recipient to speed up, giving them two attacks for the next D6 turns.
12 Manna Points: 200gc
Lightening Storm
This spell creates a room full of clouds which throw lightening, inflicting 3 Body Points of damage on all characters in the same room with the spell caster (or within a 3 space radius outdoors). The caster is unaffected. All victims immediately roll 2D6. For each 5 or 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point. Not used in corridors.
16 Manna Points: 400gc
Wall of Wind
This spell may be cast on any character, including yourself. It creates a wall of swirling wind around that character that defeats ALL projectile spells and weapons (except lightening) fired at (or by) that character. Also, any character within a one space Radius of the recipient is caught in a tempest and missed their next turn. The whirlwind lasts 2 turns.
20 Manna Points: 800gc
Lightening Web
With a pulse of power, the caster of this spell summons up a web of lightening. This web will strike any and all characters standing in one particular angle from the spellcaster. The lightening will travel out in a straight line until it hits a wall or closed door, and the webbing will spread out to 45 degrees on either side. All creatures hit by this web lose 4 Body Points, undefendable.
Winds of Return
When cast, this spell causes the spirit of a fallen comrade to return the body it left. The spirit returns with only half it's normal Body and Mind points.

4 Manna Points: 50gc
This spell wraps one melee weapon in a swirling, spinning blade of water that functions similarly to a chainsaw. When attacking with a bladestreamed weapon the wielder rolls two extra combat die. The spell lasts until the wielder can no longer "see" a monster.
This spell can be cast on any character, pelting them with ice shards. It will inflict 2 Body Points of damage. The victim then rolls 2D6, and for each 5 or 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point.
This spell transforms the caster temporarily into liquid. The caster may then move 2D10 spaces before returning to solid form.
While in liquid form, the caster may ignore any unsprung traps,
however, you may not move past sprung traps, especially pit traps. A liquefied character may move into a pit trap with no penalty.
Poison Blade
This spell will allow the caster to coat one bladed weapon with poison (dagger, short sword, long sword, etc). If the player wielding the weapon attacks and does at least 1 Body Point of damage the poison will do 1 additional Body Point of damage, and will continue to do 1 Body Point of damage each turn for 1d4 turns. The poison stays on the weapon for 2d4 rounds or until the wielder makes a successful attack, whichever happens first. Undead ma resist the poison by rolling 1 Combat Die per Body Point. If they roll a black shield they resist the poison.
Sleep by: MB*(8)
This spell puts a monster into a deep sleep so it cannot move, attack, or defend itself. The spell can be broken at once or on a future turn by a monster rolling a 1d6 for everyone of its mind points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken. May not be used against the undead.
Veil of Mist by: MB*(9)
This spell may be cast on any one hero, including yourself. On the hero's next move, they are covered by a veil of mist and may move unseen through spaces that are occupied by enemies.
Water of Healing by: MB
This spell can be cast on any hero including yourself. Contact with this revitalizing water will restore up to 4 lost body points, but will not give a hero more than his starting number.
8 Manna Points: 100gc
Acid Hands
This spell causes the caster's hands to emit a spray of corrosive acid. This acid does 3 Body Points of damage. Monsters defend by rolling 2D6. On a roll of 5 or 6, one body point is defended.
Bands of Mist
This spell calls into existence three misty rings around a single target. A character caught in these bands cannot attack, defend, or move, but may cast spells. Characters defend by rolling 1D10 per Body Point. On a roll of 8 or 9, the bands are broken.
This spell conjures up a geyser of water that drenches one character. The water does two points of blunt damage and two points of drowning damage. Characters defend by rolling 4d6, and for each five or six rolled the damage is reduced by one point. Undead & Deep Ones are immune to the drowning damage. (See Elemental Resistances.)
This spell calls up a hand of ice which grips and freezes one target the spellcaster can "see". This character cannot move, attack, or defend (etc.) until they break the spell. This spell can be broken at once or on a future turn by rolling a 3 on 1D6, one per mind point.
Healing Vapors
This spell will create a cloud of healing water which will heal up to 2 lost Body Points on every character in the room (or within a 3 space radius outdoors), including the caster, but will not give a character more than his starting number.
Ice Armour
This spell may be cast on any one character, including yourself. That character my throw one extra combat die when defending, or absorb the effects of one fire spell. The spell is broken when the character suffers 1 Body Point of damage, or until it absorbs one fire spell.
This spell may be cast one any one character, including yourself. It's magical power will restore up to 2 lost Body Points from poison darts or needles, or restore up to two lost attack and/or defend die lost to venom, removing the venom in the process.
The caste selects 1-6 connected squares he can see (roll 1D6 to determine); these squares are covered with a slick of water and are very slippery. Any character who walks through a square that is slicked must roll 1D6. On a roll of 5 or 6, the character slips and must end it's turn there. Slicked squares remain slicked for the remainder of the quest.
12 Manna Points: 200gc
This spell may be cast on any one character, pelting them with magical ice crystals. It will inflict 5 Body Points of damage. The character then rolls 5D6 and for each 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point. If the spell does at least two Body Points of damage, in addition these cyrstals freeze the target. This character cannot move, attack, or defend (etc.) until they break the spell. This spell can be broken at once or on a future turn by rolling a 3 on 1D6, one die per Mind Point.
This spell causes a force which will draw all of the moisture out of any one susceptible character, lowering it by 5 Body Points. Characters defend by rolling 1d6 per Mind Point, and for every 6 rolled the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point. Undead, Gargoyles & Armour Golems are not Affected. See Elemental Resistances
16 Manna Points: 400gc
Cloud of Healing
This spell will create a cloud of healing vapors which will heal up to 4 lost Body Points on every character in the room, including the caster, but will not give a character more than his starting number.
Ice Shield
This spell may be cast on any character, including yourself. It forms a protective barrier of frost around that character.
Any character who steps within a
Radius of one space will suffer 1 Body Point of damage, and becomes frozen. A frozen character cannot attack, defend, or move (etc.). Characters defend by rolling 1D6 for each current Body Point. On a roll of 5 or 6 they are freed. The shield remains active for 2 turns.
The first note I want to make before I start is that one of the changes that I have made to all of J.D.'s originals is that I have put manna values to them. Also, whenever applicable, I have used the terminology of 1D6 to indicate the roll of 1 "red die", which is the same as a D6.
1. No changes, except for a slight re-wording and an the emphasis on "radius" is mine.
2. Original spell did not specify damage done at a diagonal distance, so that is mine.
3. No changes.
4. The spell functions the same as J.D.'s original, except the squares collapsed are considered to be "Falling Block Traps".
5. This spell in J.D.'s original, was undefendable by monsters. I thought this was unfair, so I leveled the playing field. I also put the defense in the wording of the spell rather than in the prologue.
6. I combined Mr. Frazer's "Float" spell with my "Flight" spell to create a conglomerate spell. The new spell functions the same as the "Float" spell, but it has the additional affect of upping your movement roll.
7. No changes.
8. Slight rewording by Karnov. Original by Milton Bradley.
9. Slight rewording. Original by Milton Bradley.
10. No changes.
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