Prayers, Chants, and Invocations

Prayers, Chants, and Invocations
Narafan Prayers
The High Clergy serve Narafa, the High God, the Diety of Light. Narafan Priests abhor the Undead, whom they fight a never-ending battle. Their power flows straight from Narafa himself. A Narafan Clergyman has a very limited repertoire of Prayers, however, his or her advantage is that their prayers are unlimited.(1)
Protection (2)
When raising up the prayer for Divine Protection, the Clergyman must roll at least 3 Points total. The recipient of Protection
(who must be specified beforehand) may roll 1 extra Defend Die for the next two rounds.
Benediction (3)
When raising up a Benediction, the Clergyman must roll at least 4 Points total. The recipient
(who must be specified beforehand and may not be yourself)
is blessed, and may perform one extra action on his/her next turn.
Righteous Anger
When raising up a prayer for Righteous Anger, the Clergyman must roll at least 6 Points total. The recipient
(who must be specified beforehand and may not be yourself)
is filled with a Divine wrath and rolls 2 extra Attack Die for 2 turns.
Turn Undead
When raising up a prayer for the turning of the Undead, the Clergyman must roll at least 7 Points total. If successful, the Clergyman is infused with positive energy that repels the Undead. The Clergyman rolls 2d4, and the total of the dice roll (X) indicates how many Body Points of monsters in the Clergyman's line of sight that he �turns�, starting with the weakest monster. For example, there are four Skeletons (1 BP) and two Mummies in the room (2BP). The Clergyman rolls 2d4 and gets a total of 6. In this case, all 4 Skeletons would be �turned�, as well as ONE of the Mummies. Undead that are �Turned� may not attack or cast spells for 1D4 turns.
Necromantic Resistance
When raising up a prayer for Necromantic Resistance, the Clergyman must roll at least 9 Points total. The recipient (who must be specified beforehand) is infused with positive energy. If they are attacked with any Necromantic spells in the next 1d4 turns the effects are reduced. Necromantic Resistance provides the following effects:
Enslavement: The recipient gains one extra Combat Die to defend against the spell. If they roll a Black Shield on the extra die it does not cause the Enslavement effect.
Black Stigmatization: The recipient rolls 1 less Combat Die.
Fearsome Countenance: The recipient gets 1 extra D6 to defend against the effect.
Wither: The recipient gets 1 extra Combat Die to defend against the effect.
Drain Life: The recipient gets 1 extra Combat Die to defend against the effect.
Summon Plague: The recipient gets 1 extra Combat Die to defend against the effect.
Touch of Leprosy: The recipient gets 1 extra D6 to defend against the effect.
Divine Inspiration
When raising up a prayer for Divine Inspiration, the Clergyman must roll at least 10 Points total. The recipient
(who must be specified beforehand) is imparted with wisdom and may translate any runes, spells, spell scrolls, etc.
Smite the Unholy (4)
When raising up a Prayer to Smite the Unholy, the Clergyman must roll a least 9 Points total. If successful, all Undead that the Clergyman can "see" are struck with positive energy, which does 2d4 points of Damage. The effect works the same as �Turn Undead�.
When raising up a Prayer for Order, the Clergyman must roll a least 10 Points total. If successful, all characters of Chaotic essence that the Clergyman can "see" are struck positive energy, which does 2d6 points of Damage. The effect works the same as �Turn Undead�.
Bless (3)
When raising up a Blessing, Clergyman must roll at least 12 Points total. The recipient
(who must be specified beforehand and may not be yourself)
gets all of his/her spec's
(including Body Points)
Doubled for 2 turns. All spells and potions are doubled, also.
This Prayer may also be used to counteract a Curse.
When raising up a prayer for Sanctuary, the clergyman must roll at least 14 points total. A sanctuary is then created that extends for a one space
radius of the clergyman. No hero in this sanctuary is subject to attack or an enemy spell. Heroes are unaffected, and may attack and cast spells as usual. Monsters starting within the sanctuary are hurled out to the nearest available space and lose one Body Point.
Wrath of the Divine (5)
To call upon the Wrath of the Divine, the Clergyman must roll at least 16 Points total. One opponent
(who must be specified beforehand) is struck dead by a bolt of Divine Fire. There is no defense.
Druidic Chants and Invocations
The Druidic Shamans draw their power from the spirits of: nature, the elements, and life itself. They abhor the Undead as well, but they are more concerned with the forces of Chaos. The Druidic Shamans seek to live in balance with nature, to be one with the spirits which bind the world together, and as such, hate anything that threatens that sense of order. The Druidic Shaman may use each of these Chants or Invocations once per game. In addition, when invoking one of the Spirits, you must rest and do nothing for one turn afterwards or take 1 damage.
Drain: (6)
This chant gives you the power to lay your hands upon a creature and transfer up to four body points from them to yourself, however you may not lower a character below 1 Body Point.
Blind Faith: (7)
The focus of this chant receives a strange sense of calm and focus. The Hero then gets two extra attack die and two attacks for 1D6 rounds.
*Koden (Spirit of Health): (8)
By invoking Koden you may heal anyone you touch by as many Body Points as you currently have. However, during this invocation you may not attack. This power lasts for 1D6 turns and will not give a character more than his starting number.
Pofku (Spirit of Fury): (9)
By invoking Pofku, you receive great strength, and all undefended damage you deliver is doubled for 1D6 turns.
Hezra (Spirit of Fire): (10)
By invoking Hezra, you are filled with the power of fire. Hezra grants you the ability, once per turn, to send a powerful ball of flame into any two adjacent squares you can "see". Any character on these squares suffers 2 Body Points of damage, undefendable. Hezra is a jealous spirit, and will continue to strengthen you for as long as you will let her, however, every round after the first round that you accept her power, you lose two Body Points. The connection may be broken at any time, or is broken immediately the moment you invoke another spirit. You may not attack any Fire Elemental while under Hezra's power.
Balash (Spirit of Water): (11)
By invoking Balash, you are harmonized with elemental water. This harmonization allows you to do two different things. First, it allows you to breathe underwater for 1D6 rounds. Also, it will allow you to liquefy yourself. You may then move 2D10 spaces before returning to solid form. While in liquid form, you may ignore any unsprung traps, however, you may not move past sprung traps, especially pit traps. A liquefied character may move into a pit trap with no penalty. You may not attack any Water Elementals while under Balash's power.
Gedal (Spirit of War): (12)
By invoking Gedal, you are filled with an incredible sense of hostility and power. While under the influence of Gedal, you may attack three times each turn. This effect lasts for 1D6 turns.
Xeth (Spirit of Air): (13)
By invoking Xeth, you are surrounded by a pillar of air which allows you to fly. Flying characters avoid any traps, sprung or unsprung. Flight also enables you to roll up the 3 extra movement die. When the invocation ends, you settle to the dungeon floor, and are subject to any traps on the space you stop on. Invocation lasts 1D6 turns. You may not attack any Air Elementals while under Xeth's power.
Sebof (Spirit of Earth): (14)
By invoking Sebof, you skin becomes as hard as granite. You may then throw three extra combat die when defending. The invocation lasts for 1D6 turns. You may not attack any Earth Elementals while under Sebof's power.
Whyta (Spirit of the Storms): (15)
By invoking Whyta, you are filled with the raw power of storm. Storm clouds gather around you and begin to throw lightening, inflicting 3 Body Points of Damage. All victims immediately roll 2D6. For each 5 or 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point. Also summoned is a torrential fall of rain. Any characters caught under the rain roll 1D6. On a roll of 1-3, lose one turn; 4-5, lose 2 turns; 6, lose three turns. All characters in the same room with the Priest (or within a 3 space radius outdoors) are affected by the storm. The Priest is unaffected. May not used in corridors.
Daes (Lord of the Spirits): (16)
By invoking Daes, your hands begin to glow and tingle with power. Anything you touch dies instantly. This invocation only lasts one turn.
Azeed (Spirit of balance): (17)
You drop to your knees chanting and as your eyes roll back into your head all other non-magic creatures drop to the ground and writhe in agony, until finally exploding, but you take as much damage as was required to destroy the largest one.
1. The most important change you're going to see is the removal of the healing prayer. This ability is now coded into the characters.
2. I lowered the dice score on this one from 6 to 3, and increased the duration to two rounds.
3. No change.
4. I lowered the dice score by one & reduced the duration down from 1D6 turns to 2 turns.
5. Due to the 3 dice system that I have in place, I have upped Wrath from 12 to 16.
6. I put a limit on the drain so that you cannot kill a creature with the drain.
7. No change.
8. When Joe Murray sent me the invocations, ALL of them lasted for 1D6 turns, but I altered that. Most of them still last 1D6 turns, but I put it in the wording of the individual invocations. Also, I put the standard HQ "no more than starting" blah blah limit thingie on there.
9. No change.
10. This one I did some serious alteration on. Originally, it just said "Fire Breathing", so I had to get a little more spacific on how the damage worked and how much damage it did. Also, I thought I'd give Hezra some personality, so I made her invocation practically infinite. I also assumed that if the shaman were invoking a fire spirit, then she would not be real happy about him or her attacking a fire elemental. Yes?
11. Again, this one only said, "Water Breathing". I made it water breathing plus liquefaction. Plus ditto on the elemental thing.
12. Rewording.. no real change.
13. No real change except to add the specifics on how the Flight spell worked. Ditto on the elemental thingie.
14. Rewording.. no real change except to add the elemental thing.
15. This one I seriously supercharged(WOOF WOOF WOOF). Originally it only allowed you to cast lightening, but I thought, this is not a Lightening spirit, this is a STORM spirit. I though it should be a little stronger.
16. I did the opposite to this one that I did to Whyta. I weakened this one. I mean, a 1D6 round instant kill? That's a little too powerful in my book.
17. No change.
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