Boomerangs, Bows and other projectile weapons
Boomerangs, Bows and other projectile weapons

Weapon restrictions are not assumed. If the weapon has no restriction, then that means anyone can use it. Examples of common restrictions:
Can only be used by Heavy Fighters.
Cannot be used by Non-proficiency characters.


Silver Boomerang
This long range weapon gives you the attack strength of 2 Combat die. You can throw it at any monster you can "see", however, you cannot throw it at any monster that is adjacent to you. If you are throwing it at any winged creature (ex. Bird, Jabberwock, etc.), you may attack twice.


(All bows are two handed weapons)

Elven Bow*(1)
This bow is made of Ash wood and may only be used by an Elf. When an Elf uses the bow, he rolls 4 Combat dice to attack.
See Footnote

Blessed Bow
When using this weapon you roll 4 combat die to attack. If a player wielding the bow successfully hits an Undead monster (and takes off at least one Body Point) the bow does 1d4 additional points of damage.
May not be used by non-proficiency Characters.

This mighty bow is decorated with a stunningly life like sculpting of a hawk, and arrows shot from the bow cause a strange, screeching sound like the cry of an attacking hawk. When using the Hawkbow, you roll 3 combat dice to attack, however, due to the nature of the power of the hawk, your accuracy is increased, and victims defend with one less defend die. You may fire at any creature you can "see", however, you cannot fire at any adjacent monsters. Also, twice per game, you may fire a "Screeching Arrow". This arrow instills fear in any monster in earshot of the arrow's archer, path, or victim, lowering their attack and defend by 2. The monsters defend by rolling 2D6, and by rolling a 6, they break the spell.
You may not use either a "Hail Of Doom" arrow or a Silver Arrow as the Screeching Arrow. May not be used by Non-proficiency characters.

This bow may only be used by a Heavy Fighter. When using this bow you roll 5 combat die to attack. If a player wielding the bow successfully hits a Giant-kin monster (and takes off at least one Body Point) the bow does 1d4 additional points of fire damage.

Willow Bow
This finely crafted bow is made of willow wood, and is enchanted with magical power. With every arrow, you roll 1D20 along with 3 Combat die. On a roll of 15-16, the arrows do 2 additional Body Points of lightening damage, undefendable.On a roll of 17-18, the arrows do 2 additional Body Points of frost damage, undefendable.On a roll of 19-20, the arrows do 2 additional Body Points of flame damage, undefendable.
May not be used by non-proficiency Characters.

Argent appears to be a standard bow, but with one major difference. It lacks a bowstring, but retains a standard bow curve. It is constructed of a silvery metal similar to adamantite. Located on the grip are 3 pearls, each one corresponding to a finger; the index, middle, and ring fingers. The bow itself is unable to fire normal arrows, and any individual who tries to string the bow will receive 1D6 Body Points of frost damage.
May not be used by Non-proficiency characters.
Functioning Combinations:
Index down, Middle up, Ring down:
Ice Storm: This arrow, if fired up, will do 1 Body Point of Frost Damage to all characters in the same room. 2 charges per game.
Index down, Middle down, Ring up:
Cone of Cold: By pressing this combination, the Argent fires a cone of frost which does damage to any one target you can "see". Damage is affected by distance. Adjacent=3 Body Points; 2 spaces or diagonal=2 Body Points; 3 spaces or 2 spaces diagonal=1 Body Point. 3 charges per game.
Index up, Middle Down, Ring up:
Ice Shards: This spell may be cast at any target the archer can "see", pelting him with icicle blades. The blades do 3 Body Points of damage. The character then rolls 3D6, and for each 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point. 4 Charges per game.
Index down, Middle up, Ring up:
Freeze: This arrow freezes any one target the archer can "see". This character cannot move, attack, or defend (etc.) until they break the ice. The ice can be broken at once or on a future turn by rolling 6 on 1D6, one per Body Point. 4 charges per game.
No other combinations produce an effect.

*1: This weapon was created by J.D. Frazer. Check his HeroQuest II supplement for details. Note: The Elf's "Legendary Aim" has NOT been pre-calculated in this Artifact.
*2: This weapon was originally created by Tuomas Pirinen. I used to have a link to the page where it was originally posted, but that link doesn't exist anymore.

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