Bard Songs

Bard Songs
The Bard songs function differently than other spells. They function under a principle called "earshot". Earshot is defined as: "within the same room as the Bard, within four spaces in a corridor in either direction, or within a three space radius outdoors." Bards have devoted part of their lives to the magical arts. At the beginning of the game, it is assumed that they have a certain number of spells already learned that they don't have to pay for. I recommend the D.M. give each magic user a certain amount of credit to spend on spells. For Bards I recommend 250 gc (Gold Coins). They may then sing any spell in their repertoire as many times as their manna will allow them to. Spell costs are indicated beside the manna rating of each spell.
4 Manna Points: 50gc
Restful Ballad
This song will cause a restful peace to fall over all creatures in earshot. This magical restfulness will restore two Mind points and two Body Points to all creatures who hear the music
including the bard. This restful peace will also lower the attack and defend dice of anyone who hears it by two combat die each and will last for 2 turns.
Battle Hymn
This song instills courage to all Heroes in earshot. All affected Heroes get to roll one extra combat die in both attack and defense until they can no longer "see" a monster.
Singer is not affected.
If the bard, in the heat of battle, is wounded to the point that his or her Body Points are dropped below 1, provided he or she still has at least one Manna point left, the bard automatically starts a DeathCry. This song raises them back up to 1 Body Point, and can only be sung once.
This spell allows the bard to periodically release bursts of sonic energy which allow the bard to "see" in the dark. The range of this echolocation is one room or a three space radius in a corridor. This spell lasts for 12 turns.
Lesser Chime
By touching any one metal weapon, the bard creates a resonant frequency that allows the weapon to store a weak sonic charge. The first time a player scores a successful hit with the weapon (and at least one point of damage is done) the weapon releases all the sonic energy, doing an additional two Body Points of damage. The charge lasts three turns.
Sonic Burst
This spell allows the Bard to release a burst of sonic energy that pushes one creature two spaces away in a straight line. The creature must have a clear path. If there is an obstacle in the way, the creature stops and takes 1d4 points of damage. If that obstacle is another creature they both take one point of damage. Creatures who are pushed against their will onto squares with traps set them off.
8 Manna Points: 100gc
Cacophonous Song
This song will confuse and disorient any creature who hears it. All characters in earshot are automatically lowered by one Mind Point for the duration of the enchantment
(Will not make any character go lower than 1 Mind Point).
Those affected are unable to move or perform any action--including attacking or defending--until the enchantment is broken. To defend, characters roll 1D6 for each current Mind Point. By rolling 5 or higher, the enchantment is broken.
Singer is unaffected
By touching any one metal weapon, the bard creates a resonant frequency that allows the weapon to store a sonic charge. The first time a player scores a successful hit with the weapon (and at least one point of damage is done) the weapon releases all the energy in a sonic burst, doing an additional 4 points of damage. The charge lasts three turns.
Song Of Chaos
This song causes all the monsters in earshot to become confused, and will attack whatever is closest to them. This spell may be broken at once or on a future turn by rolling 1D6 for each Mind Point. By rolling 6, the spell is broken.
Song Of Calamities
This song will instill fear in any monster in earshot. Monsters affected will lose 2 Defend Die and 2 Attack Die
(will not lower past 1). Monsters defend by rolling 1D6 for each Mind Point. If the monster rolls a 6, the spell is broken.
12 Manna Points: 200gc
Greater Chime
By touching any one metal weapon, the bard creates a resonant frequency that allows the weapon to store a powerful sonic charge. The first time a player scores a successful hit with the weapon (and at least one point of damage is done) the weapon releases all the energy in a sonic blast, doing an additional 8 points of damage. The charge lasts three turns.
Power Song: Pain
This song draws on the ancient powers of the Bean Sidhe, and causes
all characters in earshot to double over in pain and lose 2 combat die in both attack and defense. The spell is undefendable and lasts for 1D8 turns.
This spell conjures up 4+1D4 magical sparkles which can be projected at any one, or any number of targets the bard can "see". These sparkles do 2 Body Points of damage each.
Characters defend by rolling 2D6 per each sparkle they are hit with. For each 6 rolled, the damage is reduced by 1 Body Point.
16 Manna Points: 400gc
This song causes all characters in earshot to convulse as their bones shatter. Characters defend by rolling 1D10 for each Body Point. On a roll of 9, the spell is defended. If the spell is not defended, it causes instant death.
(Banshees, Undines, Phantoms, Spectres, and Genies are not affected because they are not solid)
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