Alchemist's Shop

Item Price Purpose

Soft Potion
150 Counteracts the "Glance" spell

Venom Antidote
300 This bubbling brew tastes foul, but it removes
the effects of venom from monster attacks and
heals up to two Body Points of damage caused
by poisoned darts and venomous attacks

Potion of Dexterity
Created by MB
100 This sparkling liquid adds five movement squares
to your next die roll or guarantees one successful
pit jump or Feat of Dexterity. If you purchase
two of these potions, you may only use one at a time.

Potion of Speed
Created by MB
200 You may drink this potion at any time.
It allows you to roll twices as many
dice as usual the next time you move.

Potion of Battle
Created by MB
200 If you have a really weak roll of the attack
dice, you may drink this red potion. It
allows you one re-roll of your attack dice.

Potion of Restoration
Created by MB
500 Drink this orange, frothy liquid to restore
one lost Body Point and one lost Mind Point.
It's refreshing after a tough battle!

Potion of
Greater Restoration
Created by MB
800 This refreshing concoction restores any Hero's
Body and Mind Points to the level they were at
when the Hero started the Quest. This potion
may also be used to cure a Hero who has been
turned into a Werewolf.

Potion of
Greater Rejuvination
Created by MB
500 Any Hero who drinks this multi-colored
liquid regains up to six lost Body Points.
Roll 1D6 to see how many Body Points the
Hero gets back. This potion cannot give
a Hero more than their starting Body Points.

Holy Water
Created by MB
400 Instead of attacking, you may throw this
potion at any one Undead creature. It does
three Body Points of undefendable damage.

Alchemical Components
Item Amount Price
Waterfall Water 10 f.m. 25
Rainwater 10 f.m. 25
Lion's Blood 5 f.m. 100
Dragonweed 1 f.m. 100
Lothiern Root 1 Handful 200
Turtle shell 1 Handful 100
